Argentina. Villa la angostura


This excursion is the presentation of our locality, it combines the beautiful landscapes with our history. We start with the Correntoso River where we can observe the trouts in their natural habitat and the crystalline water of the magnificent rapids. Then we take the 7 lake road and we reach the Inalco balcony from where we can see the last arms of the Nahuel Huapi lake, the Ultima Esperanza and Machete arm. We come back to the village, through the Green Lagoon Circuit (Municipal Reserve), an area of Environmental Reserve in full Urban Common land.After that we go to the Antique Villa and to Quetrihué's Isthmus, which presents the geographical accident that gives name to the village. There we will see the harbours: Bahia Mansa and Bahia Brava. Then we will continue along The Messidor Residence, the Building o the Nation Park, the Little Church an other work of our famous architect Alejandro Bustillo, who represent the architecture of the golden time of National Parks. We go through the Villa towards Puerto Manzano, where we will find a bay of incomparable beauty. This one is a place to make a stop and to enjoy the peace and the silence. We come back to the hotels.