Argentina. Tilcara


We leave Humahuaca and we cross “Peña Blanca”, east border of the Humahuaca Gorge. Here we begin our adventure of “colorful towns and gorges”. After a few kilometers we meet the first towns. The overwhelming plains of the Coctaca Valley remind us of one of the main Inca agricultural sites. During the morning we walk this valley and take our lunch once in town. During the afternoon we go hiking for 2 and a half hour to watch the ancient paintings on rocks on Cerro Negro. From here we enjoy spectaculars view over the valley. After getting back in our vehicle we cross by different towns such as Valiaso and Pucará to climb the Serrania of Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara Hills) reaching 4,200 m.a.s.l. We end up the day at the viewpoint in Cerro Hornocal, with beautiful views over the Abra (huge prairie) de Zenta. We take a typical northwest tea time and get back to Tilcara.

Trekking: 2.30 hs
Maximum height 4,200 m.a.s.l.
It is advisable to wear a hat and drinking water
Total transportation Km from Tilcara: 250